Our Mission
As system architect, CardContact supports clients implementing large scale smart card and PKI systems. CardContact's founder Andreas Schwier has been working in the industry since 1986. He and his team have a profund expertise in smart card operating systems, public key infrastructures, industry standards, smart card production and application design.
Some of the major projects CardContact was involved in:
- The Austrian Social Security Card (e-card) project, issuing 8 million smart cards used in 12.000 doctor offices, with several central systems and a complex public key infrastructure. CardContact helped to develop the solution architecture, supported the tender and development process as technical advisor and performed the acceptance tests for smart card related deliverables.
- Various national eID and passport projects in which MRTDs, eID cards or health-insurance cards where issued. CardContact regularily assumed the role of the system architect for PKI systems required in production and operation.
- Development of the smart card based customer loyalty toolbox LEO, a development platform provided by ORGA Kartensysteme GmbH and used by system integrators, banking network operators and retail solution providers. The tool includes a complete purse and bonus management scheme, a terminal development architecture, a Windows NT based background processing system for transaction collection, clearing and accounting.
- Project managing the Macha pilot for smart cards in the health sector of the Czech Republic. This project was financed from the Phare funds by the European Community with the Czech Minitry of Health as the benficiary. Project target was the introduction of a health insurance card in the town of Litomerice and the preparation of the national roll-out.
- Development of the smart card based payment system INFRA CARD for welfare recipients in the city of Berlin. A system that has been put in service in June 1998 with 6.000 cardholders and 150 payment terminals in retailer outlets.
- Feasibility study for the German ministry for the interior for the application of smart cards in streamlining the process of seeking for political asylum. This study was completed in 1998, the implementation of such a system is currently under discussion.
- Development of the concepts for the VAS project. VAS stands for Value Added Services and is a service platform that enhances standard smart card based payment platforms like GeldKarte and VISA cash. The project was initiated by Deutsche Bank, BB-Data and BVG (Berlin public transport).
- Development of the MasterCard chip strategy, in particular work for MasterCard Cash 1 (The Canberra Pilot) and MasterCard Cash 2. Development of the smart card based MasterCard facility access system in Purchase, NY.
- Development of the German health insurance card system, being operated since 1994. The system is used by the public health insurance system with 60 million cardholders and 160.000 terminals.